Class Description
The course introduces the roles and responsibilities of a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB), and outlines the duties of other personnel who may engage in firing operations. The course discusses and illustrates common firing devices and techniques. Although comprehensive in nature, the coursework is not a substitute for the dynamic fire environment. The course provides students with important information regarding general tasks required to be successful. Any opportunity to show students a real ignition or demonstrate the use of an actual firing device will assist in transferring these new concepts and skills to the job. There is an optional field day outlined in the course, it is the discretion of the delivery unit to include the field day; however, if logistically feasible it is suggested by NWCG that a field day be conducted. Prerequisite(s): Qualified as a Firefighter Type II (FFT2). PPE Required Online Pre-Corse Work:
Important Policies
Registration for the 2024 Palo Duro Wildfire Academy opens Monday, July 29 at 9 am and closes Friday, October 11 at 5 pm. All cancelations must be made by 5 pm on Friday, October 11 to receive a full refund. Cancelations must be sent to and must include your name and department.
Class Location
18511 City Lake Rd, Canyon, TX 79015